Asia Society panel


Scale: O(1,000) participants

Social movements: 318 Sunflower movement

 - participants can take initiatives on anything he/she is interested in

   - example: contents of service trade deal

   - take away: openness -> collaboration (even among people with different political views / standings / etc)


6PM  San Francisco

cast live streaming the event


founder of code for india

pakistan: asha risky

code for america: nicole

conference call ~ 25 May

bio: 100 - 200 words

check with clkao: can I be listed as "g0v"?

slides with photos

Questions asked in the panel web page

Suggested moderator questions

1) What is the philosophy, aim and genesis of civic hacking? Generally speaking, what are the goals of civic hacking? To get the conversation started, I would offer these goals: to engage people in their respective communities, connect a global network, and increase government efficiency. What can we add to that list?

2) Given the breadth of the panel, let’s discuss hacking across the globe. What campaigns and projects have been successful in your respective countries? What are some examples of successful projects at each organization, and what did you hope to achieve? I’m curious to learn how the campaigns differ across borders and how their success is impacted by cultural factors.

3) Continuing on the vein of cultural differences, the notion of innovation differs from country to country and is quite contextual. Can you elaborate upon the social context in which your organization operates, and how/why tech-based activism arose as a solution?

TW is unique is two ways that made the active civic hacking community possible:

4) To continue with our discussion of social contexts, what challenges and opportunities exist in different civil societies and why?

5) With the rise of technology-based civic engagement, what local shifts, changes, or adaptations have you witnessed?

7) How far are women engaged in these movements as coders. How do you promote it, and what implications does the lack of participation have on the products that get created?

8) What are the limits of civic hacking? What are some challenges it can really be productive in?

9) If you are permitted, can you fill us in on your current or future projects?