(3) g0v Summit 2014 行前通知信(會眾&VIP)

Subjuect: G0V SUMMIT 行前通知 / G0V SUMMIT Reminder (Nov 8)

Hi bryanyuan2 女士/先生,您好!

[Chinese / English]

☞ G0V SUMMIT 2014 即將在 11/8 展開囉!你是否已經準備好要參與了呢? / Are you ready for G0V SUMMIT 2014 this weekend?


We have a few notices for you:

1) 於參與 G0V SUMMIT 2014 前,請先閱讀活動守則


1) Please read the Code of Conduct before attending G0V SUMMIT 2014 http://confcodeofconduct.com/

2) 會場有提供免費無線網路,提醒您可以攜帶筆記型電腦與網路線,也請在社群媒體上使用 #g0vsummit 這個 tag

2) Free Wifi is available.  Laptop users may also use the ethernet port available at every seat, so bring your ethernet cable too!  Use the #g0vsummit hashtag.

3) 與會同時,我們有即席口譯,可從電腦直接收聽,不要忘記攜帶您的耳機

3) During the conference, simultaneous interpreting is provided online, so do not forget to bring your headsets.

4) 現場提供飲料與飲用水,因應環保,請攜帶個人環保杯

4) Refreshments and water are provided.  However paper cups run out pretty quickly, please consider bringing your own bottle.

☞  11/8 (六)國際研討會 / Conference Venue

中央研究院 人文社會科學館(台北市南港區研究院路二段128號)

Humanities and Social Science Building (HSSB), Academia Sinica (No. 128, Sec. 2, Academia Rd., Nankang, Taipei 115, Taiwan)

11/8 國際研討會 (六) 9:00 ~ 17:00

11/8 Conference (Saturday) 9:00 ~ 17:00

ⓘ 報到資訊 / Check-in Information

報到時間由 8:00 準時開始,報到櫃檯設於人文館二樓,請務必攜帶 KKTIX QRCode 或報名成功通知信。若您不能前來,可自由轉贈報到序號與 QRCode。  

The registration will open at 8:00 and desk is on the 2nd floor of HSSB, and DO NOT forget to bring the KKTIX QRCode or the confirmation letter. 

ⓘ 接駁車資訊 / Shuttle Bus

11/8 7:30 ~ 9:15 在捷運南港展覽館站二號出口搭乘 (10 ~ 15 分鐘一班)

11/8 7:30 ~ 9:15 from Exit 2, MRT Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center Station (every 10 ~ 15  minutes)

感謝 Uber 贊助 g0v Summit!新會員下載 Uber App ► 輸入優惠序號「g0v2014」即可獲得NT$600乘車金,立即註冊:https://get.uber.com/go/g0v2014。(可於活動期間 2014/11/08 00:00 ~ 2014/12/30 23:59 享兩次乘車優惠,每趟最高可折抵NT$300)

Uber is sponsoring g0v Summit!  New members can download the app and use the promo code g0v2014 for NT$300 discount on first two Uber rides in Taipei: (https://get.uber.com/go/g0v2014 valid 2014/11/08 00:00 ~ 2014/12/30 23:59)

ⓘ 交通資訊 / Traffic Route & Parking


ⓘ 閃電秀短講 / Lightning Talks 


The 5-min lightning talks will be open for registration on site.

ⓘ 當天活動資訊共筆 / shared notes: http://beta.hackfoldr.org/g0v-summit-2014

<!--- BEGIN 如果VIP有報名晚宴,加這段。 BEGIN -->

☞ 您已確認參加當日晚宴,提醒您以下資訊 / Speaker Dinner 

11/8 晚間 18:00 大會將於中研院人文館四樓交誼廳進行講者 VIP 晚宴,您將在報到處收到晚宴小卡,若有疑問請至 VIP 室詢問工作人員。

<!--- END 如果講者有報名晚宴,加這段。END -->

<!--- BEGIN 如果 VIP/國際早鳥有報名 Unconference,加這段。 BEGIN --!>

☞ 別忘了,您也有報名 11/9(日)開放工作坊 / Unconference Venue

【地點與 Day 1 不同喔!】中央研究院資訊所(台北市南港區研究院路二段128號)

(DIFFERENT FROM DAY1) Institute of Information Science (IIS), Academia Sinica (No. 128, Sec. 2, Academia Rd., Nankang, Taipei 115, Taiwan)

11/9 開放工作坊 / Unconference (Sunday) 9:00 ~ 18:00

神秘嘉賓最後確認:《鄉民都來了》《下班時間扭轉未來:休閒時間 x 網路連結 = 改變世界的決勝點》作者紐約大學傳播科技媒體 Clay Shirky 教授將為 Unconference 開場演講,也將一同進行全天議程。

Professor Clay Shirky from NYU, author of "Here comes everybody" and "Cognitive Surplus", will be our opening keynote speaker at the unconference

ⓘ 報到資訊 / Check-in Information

報到時間由 8:30 準時開始,報到櫃檯設於資訊所一樓,請攜帶第一天的識別證 + Unconf 貼紙報到。11/9 無接駁車服務。

Registration will open at 8:30 and desk is on the 1st floor of IIS, and DO NOT forget to bring your badge and unconf sitcker from DAY1. 

ⓘ 如果您要登記議程 / Propose a session

當天將分五個會議室,有 30 個議程時段,歡迎準備好想法到現場填提案表。可先到 http://beta.hackfoldr.org/g0v-summit-2014-unconf/F4H5ihacTqi 和大家一起整理構想。

There will be 5 rooms available (30 session slots in total), you are welcome to propose sessions you wish to host or discuss.  Shared notes: http://beta.hackfoldr.org/g0v-summit-2014-unconf/F4H5ihacTqi

ⓘ 當天活動資訊共筆 / shared notes: 


ⓘ 取消報名 / Cancellation

如果有事不能前來,麻煩填寫報到序號取消。您的報到序號是 <客製化報到序號>

If you can’t make it to the unconference, please kindly cancel with the following form. your reg seq is <.....>

<!-- embed google form 示意圖 BEGIN--!>

<!-- embed google form 示意圖 END--!>

<!--- END 如果 VIP/國際早鳥有報名 Unconference,加這段。END -->

期待與您在 g0v Summit 2014 相見!

more info: g0v summit 2014 hackfoldr

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