2016/12/8-9 OGP note

This note is documented by mg lee. It only covers what I attended during 2016 OGP Summit @Paris. CC0.

12/8 Open Parliament

Personal feelings: Around 50-60 attendees, many wearing suits. Feeling lack of diversity and  the voice of civil society (with a few on stage) and (esp.) activists. Many conversations focus on the political perspectives of transparency, openness and equality, but not many case studies and the demo of what open data or civic tech has brought new light. 

Two parts: morning about Assembly (and inside France Assembly), afternoon about Senate (inside the Senate). 

opening remarks 2 /Mrs. Maura Boldrini, President of the Italian Chamber of Deputies

background: 為義大利公投失敗負責 總理倫齊今日正式說掰

background: Laura Boldrini: the Italian politician rising above the rape threats

Italy’s inconvenient women: in praise of Laura Boldrini and Cecile Kyenge

summary: 前半段說明義大利在開放國會作了什麼; 後半段談hate speech和網路上針對女性的歧視言論 

9:30 Opening the Parliament: transparency and open data

moderator: Xavier Berne

panelists: Bloche (Deputy of Paris), Lefebvre (Deputy of French established outside France), KcKinney (Advisor of the Ontario Gov on Digital Affair), O-T (Collectif Regards Citoyens)

Ontario’s OG: Ontario Inviting Public Feedback on Open Government Initiatives; Digital Gov

O-T: stock of info has tempered the possibility of popular vote in France

Lefebvre: fake transparency will endanger democracy; note that not all voices can be heard, even not everyone can vote. 

Bloche: anti-parliament activism. we should work on popular vote with digital tools to recreate trust btw citizens and institutions.

11:30 Speech by ??

three achievements by French parliament

1. Improvement of the access to Parliament info

2. release data as open format

3. digital divide

11:45 The inclusion of citizens in the parliamentarian work

moderator:  Xavier Berne

panelists: Raimbourg, F-S, K-M, Marinkovic, Ferri (Hackerlab @Brazil), Scott (NDI)

Scott:  challenges (1) new technologies; (2) story/exp. sharing; (3)

Ferri: two hackathons in 2015 gathered journalists, hackers and diverse ppl to show the parliament the new ways citizens create in public debate.

<translator not working....>

Ferri: how to produce new process of representation?

Scott: how to engage citizens? one key point is education. 

12:30 Closing remarks 1: not the speaker on the OGP booklet

12:45 Closing remarks 2: Mukelani Dimba (Civil Society representative in OGP committee, from South Africa)

12/8 High tech, low tech – or no tech? Making the OGP work for everyone


Rosie McGee, Making All Voices Count, UK

Fletcher Tembo, Making All Voices Count, UK

Oluwatoyin Badejogbin, Democratic Governance and Rights Unit, University of Cape Town, South Africa



Starting from 2014. in 12 countires. 


內容有點 general,所以提早閃了

12/8 Open Budget in Israel (pitch)

a project similar to g0v’s open budget & 開放政治獻金. from paper data to open data, 做出很類似的泡泡圖! small world!

最後,弄這個計畫的人還在國會裡發表了這個 project


12/8 Jeudigital International "Civic Tech"

介紹五個做 civic tech 的組織和他們的 projects

1. make.org

2. Nesta 介紹了一堆開發的工具, all open source, 

3. Amira YAHYAOUI, Al Bawsala (Tunisie)

talk gov as a biz model: what if the gov does not treat citizens as clients

4.Code for Africa 

5.My society (沒聽就閃去下一場)

12/8 TICTec (pitch)


introduce TICTec

12/8 Uk-French Data Taskforce: How governments can work together to unlock the potential of the data sector. not only about open data

background: On 13 July 2016, the United Kingdom and French Data Taskforce released their report Data Driven Growth: Innovation, Infrastructure, Skills and Empowerment in the Digital Age.

this book is written to think how data economy can be fostered thr the collaboration between the UK and France.

“Fork & Merge” – Collaboration in Civic Tech

(running in late...)

first-run QA

2nd topic: citizen engagement

g0v: vTaiwan

ODD: no more hackathons. open data doesn’t mean change. if building civic tech means building another tech, it doesn’t mean change.

Code for Germany: Create with not for. 

Civicia Digital: bridging citizens and gov  

3rd topic: DOs and Don’ts

12/9 Boosting engagement in open parliament

12/9 Civic tech, outils numériques participatifs : une révolution en marche ou des outils parmi d'autres ?

host: the main topic of this panel is "the reality of civic tech"

Panelists: Ilaria Casillo, Vice-présidente de la Commission Nationale du Débat Public ; Luc Belot, député de Maine-et-Loire ; David Prothais, Eclectic Experience

12/9 Les contributions citoyennes à l'action législative et exécutive des gouvernements

(coming in late) (這場要放空了 lah lah lah)

  • 有火花的 QA
  • Q: "I’m upset that as a part of civil society, we have no dialogue at all at this summit". 

    A: moderator:  you can host a session. our sessions are all crowdsourcing! 

    12/9 Civic perspectives on OGP civil society and government collaboration mechanisms

    Panelists (right to left): Tim Hughes (UK), Nkem Ilo (Nigeria),  Ching Jorge (Philippines), moderator Jean-Noé Landry (Canada), Ken Coghill (Australia)

    Nkem Ilo: how OGP framework can set up the platform for civil society

    Ken Coghill (Australia): the change is that now civil society has been seen as the advisors of policy-making. A mutual confidence is building btw gov and civil society.

    Q1: what we should do if civil society is told to do EVERYTHING!

    Q2: Nigeria is not yet a member. How you select the "representative" of civil society? 

    Q3: how to ensure civil society is an equal partner with gov?

    Philippines A: under OGP, we put civil society and gov as equal members. Yes, we do select members of CSOs. We also travel to every corner of the country to make sure we heard all voices. 

    Nkem Ilo: Social media also help to engage with the general public who may not have specific interest on tough issues.

    Q1: selection & diversity. 

    Q2: stories of failure? lesson learned?

    Q3: space of civil society is shrinking! what’s the reaction of OGP. 

    Ken Coghill (Australia): what we did fail is to fight against corruption and it’s still oning. 

    Nigeria: gov is pushing back. There is also conflict within civil society >> who to lead, problem of representation. 

    12/9 Measuring Transparency
