R2A Sessions @ g0v summit 2016 unconference

more info: g0v summit 2016 unconf hackfoldr

#1 09:30 - 10:30 主題 Topic: May I look at my own data please?方便我看一下我自己的資料嗎?

現場直播網址 live url、錄影紀錄網址 video url、照片紀錄網址 photos url

參與者 Contributors: (請簽名 sign here) weoi.lee@gmal.com

發表者 Present by: (可不填 optional)

討論內容 Discussions

緣起:加拿大多倫多大學的Citizen Lab和Open Effect合力開發的線上開源程式https://openeffect.ca/access-my-info/


How to get people interested in things that they don’t? (aka How to get people angry?)

總結 Conclusions

(海報照片 photo of your poster)

#2 10:30 - 11:30 主題 Topic:

現場直播網址 live url、錄影紀錄網址 video url、照片紀錄網址 photos url

參與者 Contributors: (請簽名 sign here)

發表者 Present by: (可不填 optional)

討論內容 Discussions

How to get people interested in things that they don’t? (aka How to get people angry?)

總結 Conclusions

(海報照片 photo of your poster)