⚽ 講者採訪時間及題目


採訪對象(1):Clay Shirky

採訪時間:5/15 Day2 1300-1330

採訪地點:VIP Room


1. You mentioned that the core reason of mass collaboration stem from diminishing costs. But now there appears to be a new “cost”: due to information explosion, as people receive more messages, their attention span also dwindled. Do you think that producing an “effective message” is now even costlier than before?

2. When we interview politicians, they often brag about how they spent lots of time courting young people online. Netizens have some kind of magic for them, they always want to know how to "attract" grassroots support online. How do you think politicians should view the netizens? As your book says, the power that binds them is “love” — is it really this simple?

3. It’s old news that traditional media is facing an existential challenge in the face of internet. But the traditional media possesses unique editorial power — through planning, we bring together different sides on the same issue. As traditional media disappears, people on social media got in the habit of skipping things they don’t want to see, ignoring things they don’t care. The filter bubble of Facebook may mean that people never step outside their comfort zone. Do you think it’s a turn for the worse?

4. The role of media is now massive amateurized. In Taiwan, we also faced the question how to determine "who is a journalist", especially at protest sites. Do you think professional journalism still has its place? If so, how do we position and recognize it in today’s environment?

5. Online community platforms continue to evolve; there are now many young people who don’t prefer Facebook anymore. Does this change the ways people assemble online? How do you see the evolution of online community dynamics in recent years?

6. In your latest book, you offered profound observations on “XiaoMi”. They are now changing course and launching products targeted at the China market. Would it work? What are its challenges in breaking through into an international brand?

7. In China, vendors like Apple, Samsung and other manufacturers are beginning to require manufacturers to improve processes, conform to environmental protection standards, and establishing green supply chains. However, XiaoMi refused to comply, and many see them as stubborn. Will this become XiaoMi’s "competitiveness"? Or will it bring about a negative impact? How do you think the market will react — environmental friendliness, versus lower price?

1. 您曾提及,人們更容易集結的核心原因來自成本的崩解。但現在似乎又產生新的「成本」,當人們接收到愈來愈多訊息,耐性也相對降低,要能發出「有效的訊息」反而需要更高的成本?

2. 我們採訪政治人物的時候,常聽他們吹噓自己在網路社群花了多少精力,想要拉近年輕人。鄉民對他們來說有某種魔力,他們都很想知道,到底怎麼「吸引」鄉民的支持?政治人物到底應該如何看待鄉民?如書中所說,動力真的是「愛」,這麼簡單?

3. 面對網路,傳統媒體面對的挑戰已不是新聞。但傳統媒體有獨特的空間性,透過企劃,能將議題的不同立場同時擺在一起,傳統媒體消失之後,人們是否再也沒有機會看到他們「不想看的」、「不關心的」事?像現在臉書的演算模式,讓「舒適圈」不斷增大,這會是一件壞事嗎?

4. 新聞專業大規模業餘化,在台灣也面臨到如何認定「誰是記者」的課題,尤其是在抗爭現場。您認為記者有其專業嗎?在這樣的時代,記者專業又要如何認定、分辨?

5. 網路社群平台不斷在變化,現在已經有很多年輕人開始不用臉書了。這會影響到社群的集結方式嗎?這幾年來,您認為社群集結的方式有改變嗎?

6. 您在最新出版的書中提到對「小米」的深刻觀察。目前小米正在不斷轉型推出國貨,這會是成功的一步嗎?小米要成為國際品牌,面對最大的挑戰是什麼?

7. 在中國,包括蘋果、三星等大廠都開始要求下游廠商提升製程的環保標準,建立綠色供應鏈,但小米一直不肯就範,成為他們很頭痛的對象。這會是小米的「競爭力」嗎?還是會帶來負面影響?環保與便宜,消費者會傾向哪一種選擇?

採訪對象(2):Yago Bermejo Abati 

採訪時間:5/14 Day1 1300-1330

採訪地點:VIP Room


1. Online activists often worry about the unpredictable nature of online mobilization. What are your methods of attracting a community, and to ensure the active participation of the masses?

2. Would mass mobilization remain a "special case"? In order to scale out and be successful in an ongoing basis, what conditions are needed?

3. In online communities, often we see thousands of people clicking "Like" but only a few show up in person. Going out to vote places a much higher barrier than online participation — how did you convert online mobilization into votes?

4. Taiwan’s deliberative & participatory democracy practitioners often conflict with participants in traditional politics. For example, to allow people to participate directly, we often encounter resistance from the incumbent representatives. Do we have to give up people who aren’t familiar with new methods? In other words, must it be the case that participants of new democratic methods remain mostly young people?

5. Do you believe that this election will become the norm? How are other Spanish political parties responding to the results of this election?

1. 在網路世界的動員,常被擔心的都是社群的參與程度。如何吸引社群、並確保群眾的積極參與?

2. 這樣的動員方式會是「特例」嗎?要能夠次次成功,需要有哪些條件?

3. 在網路社群上常常有「千人按讚,一人到場」的狀況,而到投票行為又是一個更高的門檻,如何讓網路的支持化成選票?

4. 在台灣操作審議式民主、參與式民主,常會碰到與傳統政治勢力衝突的問題。例如要讓民眾參與,就會碰到舊有社群的勢力阻擋。要用新的方式選舉,一定得放棄不熟悉使用這些工具的人嗎?唯有年輕人可以參與?

5. 您認為這樣的選舉方式會成為常態嗎?在西班牙的其他政黨,如何看待這次的經驗?


採訪對象  (1): g0v工作人員

採訪題目:g0v summit 2016 年會籌備採訪

採訪對象  (2): Charlotte- Voxe.org

採訪時間:5/14 Day1  1130-1200



採訪對象  (3): Yago Bermejo Abati-Podemos- LaboDemo 

Miguel Arana Catania- Madrid City Council

採訪時間:5/14 Day1 1330-1400

採訪地點:VIP Room


採訪對象  (4): Katarzyna Mikołajczyk- ePF Foundation(Poland)

採訪時間:5/14 Day1  1500-1530

採訪地點:VIP Room


採訪對象  (5): Colin Megill-Pol.is

採訪時間:5/14 Day1  1530-1600

採訪地點:VIP Room



採訪對象:Felipe Heusser

採訪時間:5/14 Day1  1100-1130

採訪地點:VIP Room



採訪對象:Clay Shirky 

採訪時間:5/15 Day2 1330-1400

採訪地點:VIP Room






採訪時間:5/15 Day2 1430-1500

採訪地點:VIP Room
